The mission of the Butte College Welcome Center is to provide accurate and current information about Butte College. We provide prospective students with information and experiences to discover all the opportunities that await them at Butte College. We create and support programs that serve as a bridge between local schools and Butte College. This is accomplished in a supportive environment that empowers students.
The Welcome Center provides students with a variety of services including campus tours, information on student services, class locations, instructor locations, campus maps, activities on campus, instruction on how to register, and help in re-setting My BC Portal passwords. The Recruitment and Outreach Office utilizes a variety of methods to reach prospective students. These include activities such as student-guided campus tours, emails, college fairs, special programs and participation in community events. School Relations encompasses a variety of programs and activities targeted to create and develop relationships with local K-12 schools as well as universities. Concurrent Enrollment � Provides an opportunity for K-12 students to take advanced classes at Butte College. College Connection � Program for selected high school seniors to complete their senior year at Butte College while taking college-level classes. About 150 students participate in this program annually. The UndocuStudent Support Center serves undocumented students and students who come from mixed status family households by connecting them to institutional support or community services. Our center supports our undocumented student population through: Community outreach, ally training's for faculty and staff, campus events, and direct student support.
Recruitment and Outreach: Out of state recruiting travel
Unfortunately due to COVID-19 out-of-state events were canceled by the organizers.
Recruitment and Outreach Recommendations and Action/Updates
- Strengthen the online information packet, e.g., include links to departments and contacts. Completed.
School Relations Recommendations and Action/Updates
- Explore strategies to diversify demographic representation in College Connection. This is still being discussed and we hope to have it accomplished during the next school year.
- Increase outreach to new and existing charter, alternative, and private schools that do not currently participate in the College Connection and/or Concurrent Enrollment programs. We have piloted the inclusion of Orland HS and are in discussions with other schools.
- Explore strategies to facilitate communication flow between College Connection faculty and the Associate Dean. Monthly meetings have been scheduled and communication continues to improve.
- Consider adding more career development information and facilitators to College Connection to discuss labor market and employment trends. Guest speakers discuss labor market and employment trends.
- Continue to clarify for high school counselors the new transfer degree requirements. Completed.
- Develop and administer the overall K-12 satisfaction survey being considered. This is still being discussed and we hope to have it accomplished during the next school year.
- Research space alternatives if Welcome Center programs and services continue to grow. This is still being discussed and we hope to have it accomplished during the next school year.
- Build Enrollment
- Create a welcoming and inclusive environment
- Build relationships with Butte College's constituency groups in our service area
Strategy 1 - Out of State Recruiting
Out of State Recruitment
Continue to implement an assertive recruitment plan for out-of-state students. The plan includes travel to targeted states, mailing of brochures and letters to high schools, actively contacting high school counseling and career centers, and personally following up with any prospective student that request information.
Strategy 2 - Increase the Number of Participants on Campus Tours
Explore ways that we can market campus tours to prospective students and improve the overall experience during the tour.
Studies have shown that one of the most effective ways to recruit prospective students is having them participate in a meaningful and engaging campus tour.
Strategy 3 - Improve Summer Bridge and Summer Connection Programs
Continue to develop the Summer Bridge and Summer Connection Programs.
Summer Bridge and Summer Connection are designed for under-represented students. Bridge is designed for students that have recently graduated from high school. The program's goal is to transition students into college providing them with the greatest chance of success. This is a population that is targeted by student equity. Summer Connection is designed for grades 7-10 and provides the students with exposure to a college campus and resources available to support them.
Strategy 4 - Expand Domestic Recruitment Efforts
Explore new markets and improve existing markets to generate additional FTES.
With local high school populations decreasing we need to explore additional markets to reach the Districts FTES goals.
Strategy 5 - Improve Office Wellness
Install standing desks for Recruitment staff
Improve health by decreasing the amount of time staff is sitting
Strategy 6 - Support College Connection Program
College Connection is a partnership with particpating school districts to provide high school seniors the option of spending their senior year at Butte College. Currently we have 2 regions: Chico, Oroville and Paradise.
The College Connection budget is funded by the school districts at $62 per student. Becuase of decreasing enrollments and minimum wage increases their budget can no longer sustain the cost of a Student Assistant and their basic supplies and needs.
Strategy 7 - Maintain Welcome Center Services
The Welcome Center is the centralized location for current students who have questions about the college's programs and services, engagement with prospective students and families and home of School Relations. The Office Coordinator will provide administrative support to the Welcome Center, the Supervisor of the Center, and the College Connections program.
The Welcome Center is the centralized location for current students who have questions about the college's programs and services, engagement with prospective students and families and home of School Relations. The Office Coordinator will provide administrative support to the Welcome Center, the Supervisor of the Center, and the College Connections program.1.
Strategy 8 - Recruitment & Outreach Technician Personnel
Hire two new FT and two PT Outreach & Recruitment Technicians
Recruitment & Outreach Technician position will help spread the load of 43 high schools across three recruiters instead of two recruiters. Ensure we are able to meet enrollment targets and build community engagement.
Strategy 9 - Build College Enrollment
The college and State have put an emphasis on building college enrollment. After many years of significant enrollment loss, the Welcome Center has taken on a central role in efforts to generate college engagment both domestically and out-of-state, build brand awareness, provide high touch support services to new students. Doing so requires dedicated leadership and support personnel.
The college and State have put an emphasis on building college enrollment. After many years of significant enrollment loss, the Welcome Center has taken on a central role in efforts to generate college engagment both domestically and out-of-state, build brand awareness, provide high touch support services to new students. Doing so requires dedicated leadership and support personnel.
We are currently receiving funding via the California Catalyst Grant in the amount of $125,000. The grant is renewable for three years. Each year there will be a reduction of approx. $10,000-$20,000 in hopes of campuses institutionalizing these efforts.
Original Priority | Program, Unit, Area | Resource Type | Account Number | Object Code | One Time Augment | Ongoing Augment |
Description | Supporting Rationale | Potential Alternative Funding Sources | Prioritization Criteria | |||
1 | Welcome Center | Personnel | 11.000.708.1.649002 | 52195 | $0.00 | $95,622.00 |
Administrative Assistant- Office Coordinator | The Welcome Center takes on several roles within the college. The Center provides services and information to currently enrolled students, supports campus events, and is the nucleus of our college recruitment efforts. The Office Coordinator will provide day-to-day operational support, oversee student ambassadors, provide administrative and budget support to the Supervisor of the Center and act as a support and point of contact for the College Connections program. |
2 | Welcome Center | Personnel | 12.277.708.1.639001 | 52195 | $0.00 | $184,078.00 |
Two FT Outreach & Recruitment Technicians | The college has put an emphasis on building college enrollment after many years of enrollment decline. These efforts require significant increases in community engagement, k-12 and community partnerships, and activities that build brand awareness. |
3 | Recruitment and Outreach | Operating Expenses | 11.000.700.1.639001 | 55200 | $0.00 | $25,000.00 |
Travel Funds | Cover travel costs of Recruitment and Outreach Technicians. |
4 | Recruitment and Outreach | Personnel | 11.000.700.1.639001 | 52368 | $0.00 | $25,000.00 |
Hire 3 Welcome Center Student Ambassadors | The students will conduct follow-up phone calls to prospective students, conduct campus tours, and other activities to support our recruitment efforts. |
5 | Recruitment and Outreach | Operating Expenses | 11.000.700.1.639001 | 55890 | $30,000.00 | $0.00 |
Out of State Recruiting | For travel to out-of-state locations, registration in college fairs, printing/mailing and for contacting high schools/students. We now have additional staff to support this effort. |
6 | Recruitment and Outreach | Operating Expenses | 11.000.700.1.639001 | 54500 | $0.00 | $15,000.00 |
Recruitment Supplies | Butte College material to be used at recruitment events and presentations. Would include items such as Butte College pens, stickers, etc. |
7 | Recruitment and Outreach | Equipment | 11.000.700.1.639001 | 56410 | $2,000.00 | $0.00 |
1 Standing Desks | Improve staff health by decreasing the amount of time they are sitting. |
8 | School Relations | Operating Expenses | 11.000.708.1.949002 | 52368 | $5,000.00 | $0.00 |
College Connection Student Assistant | Student Assistant for 10 hours per week to assist the College Connection Advisors. |
9 | Welcome Center | Personnel | $110,448.00 | $0.00 | ||
Two PT Outreach & Recruitment Technicians | These positions would support evening and weekend community events freeing up the time for the FT recruiters to focus on recruitment efforts with our 43 local high schools, supporting dual enrollment, college connections, campus events and Day Reporting Center activities. |
10 | Welcome Center | Personnel | $0.00 | $16,000.00 | ||
Supervisor, Student Services Welcome Center |