2018-19 Unit Plan
Job Placement/Cooperative Education
Mission Statement
Butte College Job Placement & Cooperative Education Office (JPCE) aims to educate students in all aspects of the job search process. We assist students in obtaining employment by providing them with techniques for effective application materials including: Resumes, cover letters, applications, social media presences, etc. We also help students prepare for interviews and obtain jobs as well as gain work experience through paid and unpaid internships. We collaborate with on and off campus employers to best serve the needs of the students, community and Butte College.
Program Description
JPCE assists students in securing career-related and immediate employment in order to gain valuable experience, earn income to support their education, earn academic credit for workplace learning and meet the needs of the labor market.
Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes
The outcomes were so successful that there is very little room for improvement. Therefore our efforts need to go into serving more students and reaching out to these students earlier.
As a result of our outcome assessment, here are the strategies we've implemented this year:
- Weekly outreach to Chico Center via onsite drop-in assistance;
- Weekly outreach on main campus with mobile job placement cart;
- Monthly outreach to the Glenn County Center (GCC) via onsite drop-in assistance.
Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)
Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)
JPCE is assisting with student retention through our Work-Study Programs (EOPS, Federal, ButteWORKs and Inspiring Scholars); new process which captures post-census date Career Work Experience FTES; helping students secure employment helps student retention.
Strategic Direction
Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
- Participate in state-wide Work-Based Learning pilot project.
- Collaborate with Career and Technical Education (CTE) departments to promote the value of work experience for students.
- Continue to work with industry to determine student expectations after graduation from college.
- Participate on the CTE Advisory Board with faculty, staff and employers.
- Provide training to students, faculty and staff on employment opportunities.
- Ensure students (online, at the Glenn Center, Chico Center and Skyway Center) have access to job skills knowledge (resume, application, interviews, job search) as well as online resources.
Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Training
- Update online resources for student, faculty and staff access.
- Presentations through forums and classes.
- Participation on governance and other campus/community committees, including hiring committees.
- Update Work Experience Orientations with faculty.
Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
- Review industry trends to share with students, staff, faculty, and community.
- Collaborate with Career Counseling related to majors and educational requirements.
- Increase use of District data to outreach under-served student populations.
Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
- Create online resources for off campus students through the webpage and Facebook.
- Participate in state-wide Work-Based Learning pilot program by creating specialized internships for students.
Modeling Sustainability
- Online job board and standing computer work stations.
- Our Job Developers meet with students via email and online.
- We print our job orders double-sided to use less paper.
- We reuse printed materials many times.
- We assist students in finding "green" careers.
Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness
- Access to JPCE resources at the main campus, Glenn County Center, Chico Center and Skyway Center. Online appointments and drop-ins are available.
- Informing our diverse community about guided pathways to ensure success in the job market.
- Provide services for students with employment obstacles, such as felony convictions, disabilities, and difficult work histories, etc.
- Participate in campus outreach events (i.e. ProActive Registration, Wellness Fair, RoadRunner Rush, etc.)
Program Review
- Increase collaboration with departments (ongoing);
- Increase contacts within the community (ongoing);
- Classroom presentations (ongoing);
- Establish an Advisory Committee and become members of the CTE Advisory Board (to be addressed);
- Face-to-face meetings with employers (ongoing);
- Post full-time job board (completed);
- Secure better equipment (included in Unit Plan); and
- Update job board technology (in progress) and web services (ongoing).
Department Goals
- Successful state-wide Work-Based Learning pilot program;
- Increase the volume of students served via office traffic and one-on-one appointments;
- Increase on-campus faculty collaboration via classroom presentations;
- Increase partnerships with local employers;
- Finalize updated Job Board technology (expected implementation Fall 2018);
- Professional Development via local and California-based conferences and
- Increase student and employer participation in Job Fairs.
Future Development Strategies
Strategy 1 - Resources, Awareness and Marketing
- Increase JPCE awareness (marketing, job fairs, presentations);
- Implement upgraded hardware and software technology (expected Fall 2018);
- Attend campus-wide departmental meetings annually;
- Launch a referral campaign with our loyal faculty;
- Collaborate with the Welcome Center to improve Orientation Leaders' knowledge of JPCE services;
- Increase number of classroom presentations and
- Increase number of local employers who use our services.
- Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
- Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
- Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
- Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
- Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness
Supporting Rationale
- Collaboration with campus and community partners;
- Expand awareness of career readiness and labor market information for career life planning, life management and self-awareness;
- Use most-current data informed processes for continuous improvement;
- Assist (through events, community presentations, individual appointments) prospective students to choose Butte College for their college education and
- Assist students with resources and tools to obtain self-sufficiency.
Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Yes
Strategy 2 - Employment Readiness
Job Placement and Cooperative Education
- Participate and provide feedback for state-wide Work-Based Learning pilot program;
- Work with campus and community partners to expand career readiness and labor market information;
- Provide students, campus and community with application materials, resume assistance and interview preparation;
- Maintain knowledge of current labor market information;
- Unite efforts with Partner Agencies and
- Continue to reach out to local employers to promote successful job search in a continually changing and competitive job market.
- Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
- Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
- Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
- Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
- Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness
Supporting Rationale
- Collaborate with campus and community partners;
- Expand awareness of career readiness and labor market information;
- Assist students with employment while attending Butte College;
- Assist students with internship and work experience opportunities to enhance career readiness and
- Assist (through events, community presentations, individual appointments) prospective students to choose Butte College for their college education.
Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Yes
Requested Non-Financial Resources
- Storage space for JPCE and Career Counseling supplies and student records;
- Assistance from Public Relations and Marketing for events and services;
- Assistance from web developer with Career Services and Job Placement website (updated website development) and
- Find an avenue to re-locate Job Placement staff (Josh Woodward and Ruth Ann Hansen) from SAS 258 to SAS 210.
Current Financial Resources
Job Placement & Cooperative Work Experience (District Funds):
CalWORKs (including ButteWORKs):
Augmentation Requests
Original Priority |
Program, Unit, Area |
Resource Type |
Account Number |
Object Code |
One Time Augment |
Ongoing Augment |
Description |
Supporting Rationale |
Potential Alternative Funding Sources |
Prioritization Criteria |
1 |
Job Placement & Cooperative Education |
Operating Expenses |
110007071493000 |
55820 |
$0.00 |
$8,000.00 |
Travel and Marketing Funds |
Travel funds to connect with community employers to create volunteer, internship and employment opportunities for students. Travel for staff professional development (conferences).
Promotional materials for events, including brochures. Important to update marketing materials in order to attract employers to Butte College and to inform students of our services. An important resource for community partnerships and future student enrollment. |
- Student Equity
- Student Support Services Program (SSSP)
- Providing comparable support services for online students and students attending at off-campus centers
- Recruiting, hiring and retaining a diverse workforce
2 |
Job Placement |
Operating Expenses |
110007071647000 |
55890 |
$0.00 |
$2,000.00 |
Funds for 2 Annual Job Fairs |
These on-going funds support 2 Job Fairs each academic year. This supports the community looking for employees; provides a strategy for students to remain in school (money to continue with school); and assists students with future employment and placement needs. |
- Career and Technical Education - Perkins
- Practicing strategic enrollment management that integrates financial planning with student need and achievement
- Recruiting, hiring and retaining a diverse workforce