2017-18 Unit Plan
Art Academic

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a diverse core of foundational art history courses which help students achieve the following:
1.   fulfill General Education requirements
2.   prepare art history and studio art majors for advanced study at 4-year institutions of higher learning
3.   prepare art history and studio art majors for arts related careers
4.   promote an appreciation for, and comprehensive understanding of, our rich cultural heritage as expressed through great art and architecture. 

Program Description

We offer an AA-T Degree in Art History, encompassing curricula in the history of art useful for art majors and for students from other majors who are seeking to fulfill general education and multicultural competency requirements for their degrees and for transfer to 4-year colleges.  Our course offerings are as follows:
ART 1 Art Appreciation
ART 2 Art History Survey I (Prehistoric through Medieval)
ART 3 Asian Art History Survey
ART 4 Art History Survey II (Renaissance through Modern)
ART 5 Survey of Modern Art
ART 6 Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Native Americas

In response to the newly adopted C-ID framework, we are developing a course in Modern Art (ART 5) to be launched Spring of 2014. 

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes


Upon successful completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  1. Identify, examine, and assess representative works of art and architecture from diverse world cultures and time periods employing appropriate art historical terminology.
  2. Analyze, discuss, and differentiate works of art and architecture in terms of historical context.
  3. Analyze, discuss, and distinguish the roles of art, architecture, and the artist from diverse world cultures and time periods.
  4. Employ college-level writing skills, creativity, and critical thinking in completing independent projects in the field of Art History.


Art Academic SLO assessments are based upon written responses done in class, essays written as homework, and exams.  These activities, taken together, are designed to facilitate student achievement of all of the SLOs in Art History, so the students' final grades are a reliable indicator of their success.  Success rates vary from a high of 98% in one Art Appreciation classes, to low of 77% in another.  Taken together, student success in all of our Art Academic courses averages 71.3%  It is clear that many students find writing at college level challenging, due either to lack of previous training, aptitude, or motivation.   We must, therefore, endeavor to teach writing skills in these courses, and to inspire a variety of learners.  We do the former by clearly laying out what the expectations are, both in assignment guidelines, and evaluation rubrics.  We strive for the later by assigning topics that are engaging and require critical and creative thinking.  Another conclusion that can be drawn from faculty dialog and reporting is that student success is, not surprisingly, directly correlated to their level of attendance and completion of assigned work.  We emphasize early-on in each course, that in order to be successful in these transfer-level courses they must submit all required work, and prepare adequately for writing and examinations.  Almost without exception, the students who do are successful in achieving related SLOs.

Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)







Six Year Goal

Fall 2011

Fall 2012

Fall 2013

Fall 2014

Fall 2015


Six Year Goal













-          Unduplicated Headcount












Course Success












-          Overall












-          Transfer/GE












-          CTE












-          Basic Skills












-          Distance Ed (all)












Persistence (Focused).  Note:  The Persistence (Focused) that is included in the PDR is a different indicator than the three-primary term persistence indicator, from the State Student Success Scorecard that is used to measure institutional persistence.  The Focused Persistence indicator measures the percentage of students that took a second course in a discipline within one year. There is no relationship between the college and program standards in this area.












(Three-Term) Scorecard

(Three-Term) Scorecard

(Three-Term) Scorecard








Degrees - annual












Degrees - annual












Certificate of Achievement (CA) - annual












Developmental Strand Completion






-          English





-          Math





-          ESL





Licensure Pass Rates





-          Registered Nursing





-          Licensed Vocational Nursing





-          Respiratory Therapy





-          Paramedic





-          Cosmetology





-          Welding










Job Placement Rates





 Suggestions for dialogue: Art Academic is in compliance with the standard.  We are not sure why persistence declined during a period when degree production went up.  But focused persistence may not be a reliable measure of success here:  Many non-major students enroll in these courses to filfill a General Education requirement.   Success rates in the program (71.3%) are close to that of other academic programs at the college (71.5%) and above the standard for course success at the college (70%).  This is an improvement over last year's data.  We continually endeavor to improve student success rates in the art academic area, but are faced with daunting factors involving a complete lack of prerequisites and a free-for-all when it comes to students self-waiving recommended preps.  Writing is the only way to properly and accurately assess student success in achieving SLOs such as:   B.  Analyze, discuss, and differentiate works of art and architecture in terms of historical context and cultural values. C. Analyze, discuss, and differentiate the roles of art, architecture, and the artist from prehistory through the medieval period. As many students are underprepared to write at college level, they find written assignments and exams quite challenging.  Additionally, the amount of work we require in art academic courses reflect that which they are likely to be required to do at a 4-year institution, but most of the students who fail these courses simply choose not to complete all the assignments.  It is clear that many students find writing at college level challenging, due either to lack of previous training, aptitude, or motivation.   We must, therefore, endeavor to teach writing skills in these courses, and to inspire a variety of learners.  We do the former by clearly laying out what the expectations are, both in assignment guidelines, and evaluation rubrics.  We strive for the later by assigning topics that are engaging and require critical and creative thinking.  Another conclusion that can be drawn from faculty dialog and reporting is that student success is, not surprisingly, directly correlated to their level of attendance and completion of assigned work.  We emphasize early-on in each course, that in order to be successful in these transfer-level courses they must submit all required work, and prepare adequately for writing and examinations.  Almost without exception, the students who do are successful in achieving related SLOs.

Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)

See previous entries above.

Strategic Direction

Implementing a Guided Pathways Model that makes career and transfer pathways clear, easy to navigate, tailored to meet labor market needs, and promotes success after transfer.*

With the presentation of our AA-T Degree in Art History, students are presented with a clear picture of required courses for the major, and GE students can see in the Catalog as well as in the Transfer GE pages supplied by Counseiing, that any of these courses meet specific requirements as well as two of them (ART 3, ART 6) meeting additional requirements. 

Aligning the instructional schedule with Guided Pathways.*

We monitor enrollment patterns closely to match our GE offerings to demand.  We have also tried to offer a new class, ART 5, to help majors fulfill their degree requirements, but have been unsuccessful in attracting sufficient enrollments. 

Completing the implementation of Learning Outcomes (Course, Program, General Education, Administrative and Student Services). *

We continue to monitor, discuss, and report results of our SLO, PLO, and GELO assessments (see above).


Program Review

The team noted that the last Validation Team review called for two new full-time faculty positions.  Since that time, three full-time and several experienced associate faculty have left. It is clear that despite the limited institutional resources, the number of full-time faculty should be increased to sustain the future of the department. While multiple areas of need are recognized, particularly striking was a lack of full-time faculty in 3D areas. Ceramics and Sculpture do have skilled associate faculty, but a full-time faculty will provide forward-thinking leadership for these large and quite complex programs. Recognizing other departmental faculty needs, a General Education Area C-rooted faculty could be sought who has additional expertise in the Art Academic areas, specifically Art History. Of particular importance to the overall health of the department would be the reinstatement of staff positions to prior levels. Lab tech support staff positions should be returned to previous levels to permit all the deferred maintenance that builds up during the school year.

We have reinstated the Secretary III role to 12-month.  We need to eventually hire an additional full-time instructor in the art academic area.

• As the Background Statement of the Art Department’s 2014 Program Review rightly states, “Art has been an integral part of human culture for over 30,000 years” (p. 1) and it remains essential by reinforcing our “shared beliefs and values” (p. 2), increasing our “empathy” (p. 3) and reinforcing our “social bonds” (p. 3). Because of the Arts’ central importance in human development and behavior, it is extremely disheartening to see the cuts and restrictions Butte’s Art Department has suffered in recent years. Therefore, it is the Validation Team’s recommendation that the Art Department be allowed to expand its course offerings (which are also profitable for the college). It is also the team’s recommendation that creative solutions be sought to somehow address students’ needs for skills development in Studio Arts classes given current, inappropriate state-mandated limits on repeatability of classes.

We are endeavoring to add courses as the college experiences lower-than-anticipated enrollments.  In the past, we have been met with resistance by an administration focused on classes perceived as more central to the “completion agenda”.  With enrollments continuing to decline, threatening the financial well-being of the college, the climate may be changing in favor of allowing the arts to grow and flourish once more

• We recommend that the Art Department review what is in the catalog currently on page 117 for the Arts major requirements. Most of what is listed is aligned with Chico State, our biggest transfer destination; yet, the page does not reflect what is currently on assist.org for many majors.

We are now relying more on our AA-T degrees in Art History and Studio Art

• The Validation Team recommends that the Art Department discuss and agree to the use of a standard departmental name. Clearly denote the “programs” included within the Art Department. Ensure that signage on Art Department doors and walls, promotional materials and student advisement documents reflect the official organizational structure and name of this department.

We are using the title “ARTS”.  This includes Art Academic, Art Studio, Photography, Fashion, and Drama

• The Validation Team recommends that the Art Department continue to address ongoing requests and concerns with regard to tweaking operating budgets. Faculty and technical support personnel need to continue to provide input as far as what is needed to support and enhance instruction and carrying our program operations. Unit Plans supply an important vehicle for facilities support, but more can be done outside of Unit Plan cycles. For example, only instructors know best what visual delivery systems work best in their classrooms. Their views should be respected and reflected in various budget requests at various times during the academic year. This includes support for the Art Resource Center.

This is in-progress and ongoing.

• The Validation Team recommends a renewed, more inclusive approach to the running of the Art Gallery. While we commend the individuals who have recently carried the bulk of the organization and presentation of Gallery exhibits, we believe that the vision for the Gallery should reflect a more broad consensus. We recommend that the Art Department, in conjunction with an advisory committee comprised of other interested, appropriate parties, both establish the vision and do planning for the Art Gallery. Ensure that input is gathered from more full-time and associate faculty. We also recommend that the Gallery not be so reliant on personal donations from faculty and staff. The Gallery requires the support of student assistants, reinstatement of reassigned time for faculty taking a leadership role relative to the Gallery and stipends for those curating exhibits.

This is in-progress and ongoing.

• We recommend that the Art Department continue the ongoing work of SLO assessment, align Student Learning Outcomes with General Education outcomes, and implement a 6-year assessment cycle for all disciplines and/or programs within the department.

This is in-progress and ongoing.

Department Goals


Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - AA-T Degree in Art History

From last year's Unit Plan: Work within the State Transfer Model Curriculum frameworks to develop and offer an AA-T degree program in Art History.  Mentor students to increase their awareness of these majors to encourage them to think of graduation as a meaningful goal.

The AA-T Degree in Art History has been developed and approved.  Because it was not approved by the State in time for inclusion in the 2013-14 Catalog, a supplement was produced by Heather Rau.  We need to publicize and inform students about the efficacy of this degree path in transferring to 4-year colleges.

Update: Brochures highlighting our AA-T degrees in Art History, Art Studio, and Drama have been printed and are available to students.

Update 2: Expand student awareness of these degrees.





  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

Student success is facilitated when we provide clear and meaningful degree pathways leading to increased rates of Associate of Arts degrees and seamless transfer to 4-year institutions. 

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 2 - SLO, PLO achievement

From last year's Unit Plan: Continue the work of refining and implementing the assessment of meaningful Student Learning Outcomes in each of our art history courses.


This work is ongoing, and has been faciliated by the development of templates for reporting within Curricunet.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement

Supporting Rationale

This work is facilitating student success by clarifying our major objectives for each of our courses, stimulating faculty interaction, and improving our pedagogy.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Yes

Strategy 3 - Provide supplemental instruction through the ARC

From last year's Unit Plan:  Continue to offer ongoing supplemental learning resources and peer tutoring through the Arts Resource Center (ARC).

Update: This was curtailed due to budgetary restrictions, but should be reestablished at previous levels.

Update, 2-5-15:  Presently the ARC is open and available to students MW 9-1:00, staffed by a Work-study student iunder the direct supervision of faculty member Alex Meier.  Hopefully we will be able to increase this access in the future to also accomodate TTh students.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

Located between the two Art History/Art Appreciation classrooms in the Arts Building, this facility provides students and faculty with access to Art, Music, and Drama books, DVDs, and computer resources.  It contributes to student success in these classes by augmenting and enriching classroom instruction. 

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 4 - Hire a full-time, tenure-track Art Instructor

The position we are requesting is for a generalist Visual Arts Instructor: someone qualified to teach Studio Art classes, as well as our academic Art History and Art Appreciation classes.


  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Compliance with Agencies and External Mandates, and Need for Full-time Leadership:  

With the support of the Office of Instruction and key leaders in the Curriculum Committee, we successfully developed AA-T degrees in both ART STUDIO and ART HISTORY.  These have been approved by the State of California and are presently available to students.  But our ratio of Full-time to Associate faculty is not optimal:  In Art, we presently have just three* Full-time Faculty, two of whom routinely teach overloads to meet student demand, while the number of Associate Faculty is twelve.  If we are to maintain the quality of our programs moving forward, we need reliable faculty who have a long-term interest in providing excellent instruction and leadership, especially in Studio Art, but also in Art History.

*This is down from five Full-time Faculty in Arts, due to the retirements, without subsequent replacements for, of Idie Adams (Ceramics) and Will Stull (Sculpture, Art Appreciation   

Lack of Associate Faculty, and Inability to Meet Student Demand for Educational Pathways Based on Established Scheduling Criteria:

After many years of hiring few, if any new faculty, and the retirements of many of our very capable veterans, we seem less able to attract fresh talent to the Associate ranks.  Additionally, we face a major challenge in our ability to secure the loyal services of Associate faculty who also teach classes at CSUC.  Because they offer better pay and benefits, and complete their schedules during the last week before the start of a semester, we experience late defections which create faculty vacancies we can’t fill.  This Spring 2017 semester, we were forced to cancel two fully subscribed studio art classes for this reason, and were only able to staff a vacancy in Art Appreciation by assigning a full-time faculty member to a triple-overload.

Supported by Program Learning Outcomes, SLO Report, Unit Plan and Most Recent Program Self-study and Validation Report:

In our 2013-14 Program Review Self-Study, we requested a Full-time we identified the need for a generalist art instructor, who can provide expert instruction, leadership, and support in a variety of Studio foundation courses, as well as in Art History/Appreciation. Our Validation Team supported this request wholeheartedly.   

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Yes

Requested Non-Financial Resources


Current Financial Resources

The Art Resource Center has a small budget for resource materials which it needs to stay current with the ever-developing Arts world.  

Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Full-time Art Instructor Personnel 11-000-512-1-100220 52210 $0.00 $99,187.00
Art Academic/Art Studio SEE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES FOR A FORMATTED VERSION OF WHAT FOLLOWS HERE: Compliance with Agencies and External Mandates, and Need for Full-time Leadership: With the support of the Office of Instruction and key leaders in the Curriculum Committee, we successfully developed AA-T degrees in both ART STUDIO and ART HISTORY. These have been approved by the State of California and are presently available to students. But our ratio of Full-time to Associate faculty is not optimal: In Art, we presently have just three* Full-time Faculty, two of whom routinely teach overloads to meet student demand, while the number of Associate Faculty is twelve. If we are to maintain the quality of our programs moving forward, we need reliable faculty who have a long-term interest in providing excellent instruction and leadership, especially in Studio Art, but also in Art History. *This is down from five Full-time Faculty in Arts, due to the retirements, without subsequent replacements for, of Idie Adams (Ceramics) and Will Stull (Sculpture, Art Appreciation Lack of Associate Faculty, and Inability to Meet Student Demand for Educational Pathways Based on Established Scheduling Criteria: After many years of hiring few, if any new faculty, and the retirements of many of our very capable veterans, we seem less able to attract fresh talent to the Associate ranks. Additionally, we face a major challenge in our ability to secure the loyal services of Associate faculty who also teach classes at CSUC. Because they offer better pay and benefits, and complete their schedules during the last week before the start of a semester, we experience late defections which create faculty vacancies we can’t fill. This Spring 2017 semester, we were forced to cancel two fully subscribed studio art classes for this reason, and were only able to staff a vacancy in Art Appreciation by assigning a full-time faculty member to a triple-overload. Supported by Program Learning Outcomes, SLO Report, Unit Plan and Most Recent Program Self-study and Validation Report: In our 2013-14 Program Review Self-Study, we requested a Full-time we identified the need for a generalist art instructor, who can provide expert instruction, leadership, and support in a variety of Studio foundation courses, as well as in Art History/Appreciation. Our Validation Team supported this request wholeheartedly.
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
  • Practicing strategic enrollment management that integrates financial planning with student need and achievement
  • Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations
  • Implementing a Guided Pathways Model that makes career and transfer pathways clear, easy to navigate, tailored to meet labor market needs, and promotes success after transfer
  • Aligning the instructional schedule with Guded Pathways
  • Collaborating effectively with K-12 to set appropriate student expectations, align curriculum, and prepare students for college success
  • Completing the implementation of Learning Outcomes (Course, Program, General Education, Administrative and Student Services)
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
  • Using data, research and collaborative efforts among divisions and departments to develop appropriate course offerings, locations and modalities
  • Implementing the Degree Audit and Educational Planning modules
  • Providing effective electronically mediated communication (e.g. website, social media, marketing materials, wifi access)
  • Make progress toward 75% full-time faculty
  • Recruiting, hiring, and retaining a diverse workforce
  • Improving access, success, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the Student Equity Plan
2 Arts Resource Center Personnel 11-000-512-1-160100 52468 $0.00 $8,670.00
2 Student Assistants, 15 hours per week each. Student help is critical in providing access to the materials and equipment in the ARC. These resources are targeted to facilitate student success in Academic Art courses which meet G.E. and transfer requirements, and Studio Art Courses.
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing